practice questions for camp interview

1 .Create a web app which would take two inputs. It would also have 4 buttons: +, -, x /. Based on the button clicked perform the operation on the two inputs. You can do this in React or vanillaJS based on your choice. Your time starts now.

2. Create a web app where I can input a text. Now create two buttons + and -. On clicking + increase the fontSize by 2px and vice versa.

3. Create a web app where I can input a text. Now, create three buttons h1, h2, h3. When I click on any of the button, the text should become h1, h2, or h3.

4. Create a web app where I can input a text. Now, create three buttons: red, green, blue. Clicking on the button should change the text color.

5. Create a CLI app which takes name, unit test marks, pre final marks, final marks of 5 students. And then print who has the highest marks. What if I ask you to print the average as well?
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6. Create a web app with a button loded. Show a text loading... on a web app. However, hide it if I click on the button loaded.

loading completed

7. Here's an API. Create a web app to call this API with your full name and print the response. This could be extended where we ask you to do something with the response. Like add a text, or capitalise etc

8. Here' an API. It will give an error. Write a web app, call this API and read the error message. Show user the error message.

9. Here's an API, it can give two errors. Either 404, or 401. If the error is 404, show the user 'page not found' and if the error is 401, show the user 'you are not logged in'.

10. Open your Github repo. Make a small change. And create a PR. Explain what you understand by Git, what's PR etc.

11. Create a password checker web app. If password is lesser than 10 characters then show an error to user otherwise show success. Someone can ask to make the submit button disabled. Some can ask to make the input field green or red depending on input.

password checker

12. Show me your portfolio. Okay, I like the button you have made. Can you re create the button without looking at source code? You're free to Google though

13. Create color variables in CSS. Two colors: primary and secondary. Now make your h1 of primary color, h2 of secondary color. Make two buttons, primary and secondary using the same color. Can you also set a font from Google Font?

14. Create two objects with name, age, and yuga as Ram, 25, Treta. Krishna, 31, Dwapar. Write a function which takes two objects and return the person with more age.
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15. Create two objects with name, age, and power as Ram, 2500, Treta. Krishna, 2325, Dwapar Write a function which takes two objects and return the person with more power.
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16. Create two objects with name, age, and power as Ram, 2500, Treta. Krishna, 2325, Dwapar. Say if every character in name is worth 35 power points.
Write a function which takes two objects and return the person with more power based on their name and power both.
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17. Create a CLI app which would detect fake news. This app will take news as input and then source.
If source is Facebook or whatsapp then it will output user saying, "Don't believe things on FB and Whatsapp". Can you extend this to include telegram as well?
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